Isn't it pretty?
We've been the house 2 weeks now - we've registered with ESB, Bord Gais, have booked our Sky package, have put up our Galway Arts Festival posters and have even procured some bedding plants for our tiny back garden (thanks Mom).
We're settled. I'm properly at home somewhere for the first time since I left Drogheda (no offence to Phoenix Manor but it never felt like my home). We've lived up to our promise to cook for each other (well two of us anyway...not look at any Mitzy in particular...ahem), share the cleaning, have long chats over tea way into the night...and now it's time for the housewarming.
This Saturday night will see us opening the doors of Hope Cottage to an assorted jumble of friends and co-workers curious to see what house could possibly have won our fickle hearts. We've invited way too many people including lots of dancers who will weep at the criminal lack of dance space afforded to them. We've billed it as a barbecue although the rainy weather forecast will probably put a kibosh on that.
We have, in fact, yet to start any preparations for this party whatsoever (it's tomorrow) so I really hope that all 130 invitees don't show up....
We really should warn the neighbours about this one.
Cinematically speaking:
Gone Baby Gone South Boston thriller about a missing child-- really rather good flick--can't tell the story cos I'd end up giving away twists and plot spoilers but good job done by both Ben and Casey Affleck who directed and acted respectively (and respectably). Worth a look.