What the flip?
Autumn disappeared in the blink of a squirrel's eye and bleak, dark winter days are upon us.
Can't get too depressed, however; I head off to California in less than a month. Hurrah!
Sunshine, vineyards, palm trees...

...shopping and sushi here I come:

Re Bridesmaid issues - progress is being made - at the weekend we succeeded in getting the first dress fitting done and shoes procured for both bridesmaids. That's everything we needed to get sorted before the other bridesmaid heads off to Australia for 6 months.
Protracted discussions on the issue of invitations have resulted in an agreement to use e-invites as opposed to labour-intensive handmade cards - thank the Lord! My expertise lies much more in on-screen than off-screen design.
I have to ask myself though - if this is the level of stress induced by being a bridesmaid, what it must be like to be the couple trying to get married? Doesn't bear thinking about... Hats off to those who survive it.
Personally I think eloping is wholly underrated...