Due to excessive levels of stress and anxiety in my life of late, I've decided to take things slow for a while, to switch pace from insane, adrenalin fueled rat to mellow-easy-going snail.
No more having 5 windows open on my laptop at work all day,
no more compulsively checking gmail/facebook/twitter etc etc,
no more listening to/watching the radio/tv and reading the newspaper at the same time,
no more trying to keep up with all the latest movies and theatre,
no more sitting in Dublin traffic,
no more social occasions that I'm only attending out of obligation,
no more rushing,
no more taking on more than I can handle,
no more incessant planning of tomorrow, next week, next month, next year...
no more feeling like I'm running out of time,
no more unnecessary panic,
no more irrational worry,
Yes to more time writing,
yes to more time reading literature as opposed to journalism,
yes to listening to really good music and maybe playing some,
yes to slow meandering walks in the park/the hills/by the sea,
yes to meeting friends over coffee and having a really good chat,
yes to taking time to shop for and cook nice meals,
yes to nights in,
yes to walking to get to my destination,
yes to talking about how I'm really feeling instead of pretending everything is fine,
yes to yoga,
yes to getting and giving massages,
yes to doing one thing at a time and doing it well,
yes to relaxation,
yes to a realistic appraisal of how good my life actually is,
yes to the simple life...