I realise I haven't posted in the longest of whiles - sincerest apologies but I should start to post far more regularly after May 1st as I'm....
Quitting work!!!!
I'm embarking on a 4 month break from paid employment before I return to the teaching sphere in September. I'll be broke but freeeee...
I've known that I was going to do this for a few months now but it appears to have just hit me here and now at my desk in the office.
*Giddy grinning*
I would have done it like this guy except I actually quite like my co-workers and boss here. Still how much fun would that have been?! Is there anything more satisfying in the world then quitting a job?
No more of this...

or this...

No more alarm clocks, deadlines, meetings, being chained to a desk all day, waiting for other staff members to finish their work before you can get started....No more 'touching base', looking at projects 'going forward' or any office jargon of any type.
No more office.
I realise that celebrating the merits of joblessness is strange right now considering how much unemployment has risen in the past few months and what a desperate situation many young familes with large mortgages are in. My heart goes out to those poor sods who bought houses in the last few years and have recently suffered pay cuts/redundencies/tax hikes etc. Both the banks and the Fianna Fáil government have a lot to answer for with regards to letting the economy run out of control in the boom years.
I'm just in the rare and fortunate position of not having a mortgage, knowing I have a job in September and having enough money saved to tide me over till then. I know I'm being a smug git right now but to hell with it - I'm off to eat me a slice of quitting cake: