Monday, July 16, 2007

The Modest Adventures of La Belle Ms. Bones

There has been much activity in the Ms Bones camp over the weekend what with the being filmed for RTE news, the Film Fleadh, parade rehearsal and a visit to see the exquisitely funny David O'Doherty at the Comedy Club. Killer joke:
Q: Who are the most decent people in the hospital?
A: The ultrasound people.

But let me start at the beginning.... Thursday's interview in Dublin went well, I think. The Suas people kept me chatting for over 40 minutes and didn't call security to have me removed so I reckon I sufficiently managed to disguise my wanton laziness to them.

I had travelled up to Dublin the previous night for a bit of swing dancing (had already forgotten all my wonderful new moves from Sweden) and as the interview wasn't till 3pm was in no particular rush in the morning. I primped and preened for a good 2 hours and was completely ready to go by midday; punctuality drilled in by control freak mother still as strong as ever.

I decided, since I hadn't done it already, to maybe research this job a bit and the people who'd be interviewing me. I duly went online, found the website and went straight to the staff section. No. 1 interviewer didn't look familiar and had only been with the organisation a short period of time. No. 2 interviewer on the other hand I did recognise. Where had I seen that face before? Was she on the programme when I had done it in 2005? No, somewhere else then...

The cold hand of realisation slowly settled on my shoulder. Oh dear.

That party.

The Suas crowd had arrived late. I had started drinking early. I couldn't remember talking to her but I had definitely been introduced. Idiot Ms Bones! Flash back after flash back hit me—the piggy back rides up and down the stairs, the iron stomach contest in the kitchen. This woman's only experience of me is at my absolute worst. Pink-cheeked with mortification I realised it was time to go. There was only one way to get through this: set charm and bullshit levels all the way up to 11 and never stop smiling. Second round interviews are in August—it'll be a miracle if I get one.

That evening I drove to Galway with a friend who works in Filmbase. Five lucky filmbasers were getting to stay at the Ms Bones' family spare student house for the duration of the Fleadh. The phone rang en route and my secretary took the call.
“Would Ms Bones like to help Macnas out by doing a shoot for RTE the following morning?”
“She'd be delighted. 9am call for make-up and costume? She'll be there.”
At noon the following day I'm dancing around Quay St in a bright pink dress, full Commedia Del Arte style make-up, 1940's hair-do as Jim Fahy stands in front of a camera near-by doing his annual 'Isn't Galway great?!' report. Joe O'Shaughnessy is snapping away, the Sunday Independent make us pose with flowers and take what feels like a million different shots. I've a whole new respect for models and performers; bloody hard work keeping a smile on your face for hours.

No sign of it on the news that evening – phew! I spend the weekend volunteering at the Fleadh, spotting celebs, sneaking into movies, drinking down the Rowing Club. After Parade rehearsals on Sunday I finally make it home for a home cooked meal with the parents, sister and soon-to-be brother-in-law. A delicious roast and mountains of mashed spuds is consumed in seconds and we all kick back with tea and dessert. The telly is flicked on to catch the sports results.

“The Galway Arts Festival kicks off tomorrow with it's usual pomp and ceremony.....” Aghhhhh! There I am lindy hopping outside Neachtains.
“Jim Fahy. RTE News. Galway”. Cut to my dance partner and I dipping right in front of the camera. The whole family ,in a burst of uncharacteristic unanimity, explode laughing and don't stop till well after the weather forecast.
Thanks a lot guys.*

For anyone else who'd like to be similarly entertained the Macnas Parade takes place in Galway city on Sunday 22nd July at around 3pm.

*See it for yourself here: Although they've cut out our dip at the end which was in the original report :(

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