Basically it was great.
Lot's of this:
and this:
A great team:
and wonderful friendly hosts in Paraguay:
We actually had an Irish journalist based in Argentina visit out site and he's having a series or articles printed in the Irish Emigrant newspaper. One of them can be found here.
Between the 15 of us we helped build 2 houses in Encarnacion, a small town near the Argentinian border. The Habitat affiliate there is hugely active - in the past 10 years they've built 750 houses and are aiming to round it off to an even 1000 for their 10th anniversary next year.
The only difficulty I had with the trip was not being able to speak Spanish. It really is all pervasive in South America and English is greeted with stony blankness. We had such a great opportunity to get to know locals but language was a barrier. There was also a lot of pressure on the Spanish speakers in our group to translate for the rest of us.
Next time I'm heading to South America I'll habla espanol muy bien.
Hasta la victoria siempre!
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