Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life

Finally! Access to the internet in a non-work environment!
My deepest apologies for woeful upkeep of the blog - I'm intending to do some catch up over the holidays so stay tuned :)

It's the final night of Strictly Come Dancing - once this last show is over I will be liberated from this albatross of an addiction - I want to live again!

Gethin was shafted by the judges in the semi-final who chose to save Matt Di Angelo over him. In my opinion (and not only because I'm love with him) Gethin was a far more graceful and proficient dancer. Matt actually blanked on whole chunks of two dances one week - how can someone like that make it to the final?


Anyway if you haven't noticed Christmas has hit--and with it falling on a Tuesday this year most people have a nice few days off beforehand. The anticipation of Christmas is the best part of it all so I'm glad it's prolonged this time around.

I finished work yesterday and had the obligatory drunken session with co-workers last night - quite strange when there are only 8 of us in the office. They're a good bunch of people though so we had fun nonetheless - silly dancing, shot drinking and a nightlink home - It's a wonderful life :)

Today I drove the siblings home from Dublin - we're all so grown up and independent now and since we're all living separately get on swimmingly well. I have a feeling this could be quite a nice Christmas.

I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that not a single channel is screening It's a Wonderful Life on Christmas Day. I love that movie and it's become part of the Christmas tradition over the past few years for me.

Oh well - will just have to watch some clips on youtube so...

Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, Emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love It's A Wonderful Life too! The year I was living in France, I couldn't afford to fly home for Christmas so I spent it with other students watching It's a Wonderful Life in a bargain French cinema in Strasbourg. I dunno why it was open on Christmas day and we were the only folks there but it made it easier to be away from home. Great film! Merry Christmas and see you soon. (When George Bailey makes a wish in the drug store, he says "Bon sangre!" instead of "Hot dog!" That slayed me.