Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Blues - Herrang Style

Well I've reached the half-way point of my week at swinging summer camp in Sweden; the legs ache, the sleep deprivation has hit chronic levels, whenever I'm not actually listening to jazz I still hear it ringing in the music chambers of my brain....
Gee whiz this is fun!

There's dancing all night, every night here at Herrang and last night was the first of the theme nights--Blues Night. After 3 days of manic, bouncing and leaping Lindy Hop a night of slow, gentle swaying to the sorrowful tones of Billie Holiday and Edith Piaf was just what Dr Rhythm ordered.

How to describe Blues dancing—hhhhmmmm I have to quote the Shangri-las for this one—
“Is he a good dancer?”
“Whaddaya mean is he a good dancer?”
“Well- how does he dance?”
Basically it’s like grinding only slower and marginally more dignified. At first I was a little prudish (that Catholic upbringing rears its head when you least expect it) but after one or two numbers I was hooked. It's easy really; you rest your head on your partner's shoulder and drift along wherever he brings you.

Now if only I can convince myself to brave a proper Swedish Sauna.

Being in an international dance camp I didn't think I'd get exposed to much Swedish culture but in fact the Swedes thoroughly dominate all proceedings. A damn good thing too - they're fantastically well organised, have a great sense of humour but are quite laid back in attitude also.

They really are comfortable with nudity too; on the beach, in the communal showers and in the sauna (so I hear) nobody takes a blind bit of notice of whether one is wearing clothes or not. I never realised how prudish Ireland still is but we really do have issues with our bodies still.

And so I run out of time yet again (it's in short supply here)--the video up now is a 1950 recording of the amazing Tip, Tap and Toe that just have to be seen to be believed.

Gotta dance!


Forty's Coats said...

Nothing wrong with a bit of prudishness. As Kofi Annan said, 'Prudishness keeps the bowels regular'. Wise man, wise man.

Ms Dobbyn said...

Are you sure that wasn't 'prunes'??

Forty's Coats said...

No definitely prudishness. Knew his stuff did Kofi. God, I remember that night back in '86 when he got that ripe pineapple and...

Forty's Coats said...

Why is my name coming up as Your Grace?

Forty's Coats said...

That's better